Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Days

It's only June and I've already had a busy summer (hence the lack of blog posts).

My younger brother graduated High School at the end of May. Graduation took place on the football field in the middle of the afternoon. The plus about having a graduation outside? Watching this man jump from a plane with the American Flag and land behind us in said football field.

Here is my brother waiting in line to get his diploma. Proud sister alert!

In other news, I've been trying to take a weekly yoga class this summer (sorry, no pictures. But that's for the best). Ryan and I have spent hours at the pool and going on hikes to beautiful waterfalls. To top it all off, we'll be headed to Las Vegas in a couple weeks with my In-Laws for a library convention which means lots of free books! I'd say this summer is turning into a good one.

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