Sunday, February 3, 2013's been awhile

Tonight I decided to catch up on a little blog reading and while I was reading I realized I hadn't updated my blog for a really long time. And I mean really long. Life just became so busy (and it hasn't slowed down yet).
So I got engaged...crazy, I know.

So crazy in fact that my own cousin didn't believe me! I had to email her pictures to prove it. But the thing is is I've known this guy for four years now.
He proposed right before Christmas (hence all the lights in the background). I was my usual stubborn self and wanted to go look at the lights everywhere except where our family was hiding and waiting to take pictures. The poor guy, I dragged him around everywhere. We finally got to where he wanted to be and he said, "I want to show you something." Which is when he got down on one knee and popped the question. And I said, "Are you serious?" Actually I said it twice before I said yes. Then our families popped out, lots of pictures were taken, and lots of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory was eaten. 
The date you may ask?
June 8th, 2013. 
Peach, blush, cream, pearls, lace...and antique blue mason jars with lots and lots of flowers.

Not only did I get engaged, but I decided what I want to do with my education. For now, I want to get an associates degree with my general education. For most people, it takes two years to get an associates but I'm a little behind. I'm nearing the end of my second year of college with no degree. But hey, at least I know what I want to get now. 
A lot of people are telling me "settling" for an associates degree isn't a good idea and I shouldn't depend on my future husband's education/job. But what is the point of spending thousands of dollars on classes to get a major I don't even want? And any degree is better than no degree. School is expensive and my fiance (still a little weird referring to him as a fiance) wants to be an engineer which takes a lot of schooling. So the plan is I get my degree then start working full time to get him through school. 
Which is fine by me because I am so done with school. I just want to read a book for fun and not because I have to write a paper.

With all these changes and huge decisions in my life right now, I'm just hoping I come out in one piece. Wish me luck!