Sunday, November 13, 2011


I am slightly frustrated. Just slightly. You see, I'm doing homework. Well, I was doing homework until I decided to take a quick break before my brain exploded. I think tonight is the first night that math has left me completely frustrated this semester.

I'm trying to figure out how to add polynomials and get a least common denominator. I thought I understood it and I thought I would be able to do do it on my own. But now, I'm completely lost. I only have two sections of math homework left. I have an hour break tomorrow, right before my math class. Hopefully that would be enough time to finish it at math lab before my math test. 

Another thing I'm trying to figure out is an English paper. It isn't a hard paper to write. I'm writing about something significant that happened to me in my life. I chose to write about having appendicitis this past February. But I'm struggling because we didn't have a lot of peer reviews so I'm not really sure what I need to change in my paper or expound on. I don't know what I need to fix.

But the thing is, even though I'm struggling, I have to get it done. I can't just blow it off and forget about it. 

So wish me luck as I dive back into the world of homework.

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