Friday, October 7, 2011


It's finally the weekend.

When people hear the word "weekend" they think parties, beer, and parties. But that's just not me. I don't party and I don't put myself in situations where there would be beer and stuff like that.

So what do I do for fun on weekends? Lately, I've been working. Which isn't exactly fun, however, I get paid for it. When I'm not working, I have some friends come over and we'll watch a movie. A few weekends ago, my friends and I went to a dance at the institute building on campus. Those are always fun.

Weekends are also a time for dating. But I don't get dates. The last time I went on a date...around June. I don't know why I don't get dates but I don't. It's annoying but what can I do?

So you may be thinking, Wow. This person lives a really boring life.

But the truth is, I love my life the way it is. I love not having to worry about parties where cops could show up at any moment, I love not having to worry about going to places with beer or anything else like that, and I love my time with friends when we just watch movies and hang out. It's a good life and it's mine. I wouldn't change it, even if I could (except maybe have one or two dates!). 

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