Monday, October 17, 2011

Money, money, money

Money sucks when you don't have it and it's awesome when you do have it. Right now, I'm trying to save up to go to Australia next summer for four weeks. It kinda takes a lot of money. But I just found out blogger has this thing where you can put ads on your blog and when people click on it, you get paid (basically). Of course, I can't click on it myself. Technically I could but then I would get in trouble and wouldn't get paid at all and...well it would just be bad news.

I'm kind of worried about the ads they're going to put on my blog though. I'm not really sure if I have a say to what will be put on here. And also, how much money will I get paid per person who clicks on an ad? And then of course, there aren't many people who actually read my blog. I just can't see a huge income coming out of this. But it's worth a shot.

I think I'm going to look into fundraising for my volunteer trip next summer. I'm just not sure what to do. I know you can get sponsored by businesses but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing that. One suggestion I've had is to ask family for money. But I just don't want to do that either. That's the problem with fundraising. I don't like "taking" people's money, even if it is for a "good cause." I want to earn my own money. I feel like it's more honest that way. Maybe I could do a car wash or look into selling things like candles or something. That way, it would be fundraising but the other people would get something out of it as well. 

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