Wednesday, March 26, 2014

True love and toast

When Ryan and I got married, we never got a toaster. We finally mentioned this to his parents and they had an extra toaster that they gave to us.

I was amazed it worked. This toaster is at least 23 years old. And it worked well, don't get me wrong and I was so grateful for the toaster. I love toast.

I love cinnamon and butter toast.

I love a peanut butter and jelly toast (when the peanut butter gets all melty and you NEED a glass of milk to wash it all down).

I love toasted bagels (mostly blueberry bagels with cream cheese...yum!). 

The biggest problem with our toaster was the slot size. You may laugh, but I had to squish bagels and shove them into the toaster resulting in a burnt blueberry bagel. I know, such a problem.

We got a new toaster this week. I saw this beauty on a shelf, just calling my name. I needed it, I really did. I've wanted a new toaster for ten months (and if I keep thinking about an item for that long, I really need to get it)! This little guy was so cute and small (Compact 2-slice Toaster with Space-Saving Design).

It was true love, guys. True love.

The best part?

My bagels fit and are toasted to perfection.

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