Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hilarious things and other comedies...

I have a kitty. Her name is Fluffles. One night, Fluffles created a hole in a window screen and escaped in the middle of the night. While she was partying, some other kitties said, "Roll in this patch of grass! It scratches your back!" (Please note I really don't know if cats said anything or if in fact, there were other cats) Fluffles agreed and rolled and rolled and rolled around in this awesome "grass." In the wee hours of the morning (4am) she crawls home with sticker weeds all over her and long thick blades of "grass" sticking to these sticker weeds making her look like some alien life form. Poor Fluffles. I sat with her and thought about cutting out these weeds but alas, there were too many. She was taken to the vet to get a nice $100 dollar hair cut.
                                                                Before haircut:

After Haircut:
(Please notice kitty's paws. The cat version of "UGG boots!!!")

Now what is the moral of this story? Be stupid, Look stupid.

In other news...Youtube holds some of the greatest video clips known to mankind. Harry Potter puppet pals for instance. Now this one differs from the original HP puppet pals seeing how this one includes scenes from the actual movies! The second one has the best names ever created. I am also sure you will find names you will name your own children someday.

That is all for today's "Hilarious things and other comedies." Have a fantastic day! 

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