Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stressed out cookie eater

In my closet there is (was) a package of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. 
I purchased these cookies a week ago and have been trying to savor them.
Until now.
You see, the end of spring semester is quickly approaching (and by quickly, I mean oh crap, the end of the semester is right there!) and my professors find it funny to pile on the homework and papers and quizzes and tests before finals week. 
And I felt as if I should treat myself to some cookie eatin' goodness for all my hard work today. know, just two pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were not enough.
In my closest there is (and still is...just not as many) a package of Oreo cookies. 
Why bother getting a plate and selecting just a few Oreo's to eat? Why not eat straight out of the package with a big glass of milk by my side? 
Mmm...pure goodness.
And did you know your roommates give you weird looks while you are stuffing your face on the couch while watching TV? 
I bet they were just jealous I had milk's favorite cookie and they didn't.

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