Monday, April 29, 2013

Finals are over!

 Last week, my finals came to an end. And I am 99.99% sure I passed Math 1050 with at least a B which more math! By this time next year, I should have my associates degree...which should have taken me two years to get but it will actually be three. 
Even though finals are over, my life hasn't slowed down. It's time to move out of my student apartment. It's very bittersweet. I'm excited to spend a little less than a month with my family before I get married and I'm looking forward to having my own room.
 However, my roommates have become my very best friends. We have so many inside jokes! A couple of my roommates will be serving missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by the end of the summer. I'm so excited for them but I'll miss them like crazy. 

And the wedding planning? I'm pretty sure Ryan and I should have eloped...but things are finally coming together. 

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