Thursday, August 9, 2012

You have no new messages

I have decided I'm not very good at waiting.
If I'm waiting for a phone call, I can't leave my phone anywhere and it becomes an obsession.
If I'm waiting for someone to come, I pace around the front windows and open the door once or twice.
But today, I'm waiting for an email.
Since the end of July I've been waiting for an email, and yesterday, I got one. This email told me the real email I'm waiting for will come today. 
This email will tell me the time I can get my key to my apartment on August 22. It will also tell me who my roommates are. 
I am so nervous to find out who these girls are, nervously excited. 
But until I get this email, I will be nervously waiting until my email account says, "You have one new message."

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