Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sleep is eluding me again. I think it is because my brain is thinking about a million things all at once.

Last night, sleep avoided me but it was partly my fault. I was reading a very good book and I couldn't put it down until about two in the morning. But then I couldn't sleep. When I did sleep, I had nightmares.

The first nightmare I remember having was about my apartment. Yesterday, I was able to get my apartment keys and start moving in. In my dream, I lost my apartment key. I don't know how I got into the apartment, but I did. I then went to my room but the key to my room in the apartment refused to work.

Soon, my dreams shifted and I was staring at my computer screen. I wanted to check my scores for my classes, even though I already knew I passed them all. When I logged on, I was relieved to see a list of my classes with a green phrase next to each one:  "You Passed!" However, as I watched the screen, the words turned red and one by one, the words "You Passed" changed to a horrible red word: "Failed." I started freaking out in my dream and I was terrified. Would I have to pay back financial aid? Could I move forward with my classes? Would I be allowed to have financial aid again?

But my dream changed again and I was at work. I was working even though I knew I had quit a few weeks ago. However, I couldn't leave because I was needed to get the job done so I stayed. I got behind on a food order and every time I put onion rings in the fryer, a co-worker would eat them the minute they were done. Finally, I told them to stop it and went to put a new batch of onion rings in the fryer. But right as I was about to do that, my manager had drained the oil out so she could wash the fryers. She wasn't trying to be malicious, she was just trying to do her job. Then so many orders started coming through and no one else would do their job. In my dream, I was taking orders at the front counter and getting orders from the drive-thru and had no time to cook their food.

Finally, I woke up at around six in the morning and stayed awake for a few hours after that; but soon my stomach was growling and I knew I had to get up and start my day.

Let's hope I get better sleep tonight.

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