Define: Brain mush
After a long, hard working day, the brain seems to be unable to function normally, causing slowed and/or slurred speech and saying things that really don't make sense.
I have brain mush syndrome right now. It's been a long couple of days for me with a lot of working hours and a lot of college stuff piling up.
Do you ever feel like there just isn't enough time in a day? I'm beginning to feel that way. There is a lot on my plate at the moment. So far, I'm juggling college classes, a job, and somehow I'm going to fit 20 hours of observation for a college class somewhere. At least I don't have to get 20 hours of observation in one week. I have until December. But still, trying to find where to fit two extra hours is becoming a little difficult. How am I supposed to do my school work on top of it all?
Oh yeah, get off Blogger and do your homework right now!
But then, aren't we all a little dumb sometimes? We always have things piling up for us to do that are extremely important and yet we choose to sit on our favorite internet site, complaining about how much stuff we have to do and not enough time to do it. Or maybe that's just me.
I'm a horrible procrastinator. I always say, "I'll get this done today!" Instead, I sit with my favorite book (right now I'm reading Harry Potter) and read all my free time away. Then I'll think, "Well, that's okay. I still have tomorrow." But I usually don't do it then either. I almost always save it for the last minute. Will I ever learn?
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