Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Who needs a title?

Why must there always be a title to the start of these things? It's not like we're writing a book or a poem. It's just a blog. I guess titles are more fun when you're creative and think of awesome things to say. But I'm not that kind of person.


It dictates how to start your blog. It tells you how to start your blog. Well, in defiance, I will put the title last.

The title is like someone telling me what to do. It's making a decision for me. I am completely against people telling me what to do. Friendly advice is perfectly fine. I only have issues when people say, "Hey, you're coming to this thing."

So, naturally, I say, "I can't."

Which, of course, leads to them saying, "I don't care. I'll pick you up at 6 am."

Don't they understand the word "can't"? It means You are unable to do something. It means it is impossible to do. You CAN'T. Can not, cannot.

I also don't think they grasp the concept of sleep. I will be sleeping at 6 am. If anyone comes at that hour, no one will answer the door because we'll be sleeping.

Okay, maybe this sounds a little rude, mean, selfish, but it's just I felt forced into it. If they had said, "You should come with us." Well, I still would've said no because I really couldn't. But it would be a better situation all around.

But hey that's just me.

Basically, Who needs a title?

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