Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One of those days...

It's one of those days when your morning starts out pretty awesome. Homemade French Toast for breakfast, some Harry Potter reading, and enjoying a warm summer day.
But it's Wednesday, the middle of the week and therefore, not the beginning of the week. I had a job interview and they were supposed to let me know about their decision at the beginning of this week. Now we're approaching the end! 
I have a feeling I'm not getting the job, but the week isn't over yet.
And if I'm not getting the job, couldn't they at least call me and let me know and put an end to my angst??? 
That's okay, I'll be glued to the phone tomorrow, no big deal.
And to top it all off, my immune system has decided to play a trick on me. Maybe I'm not really sick though. Maybe I'm just stressed out about this whole job hunting thing that it's making me physically sick.
On the bright side, tomorrow I'll be doing water aerobics with friends. I've never done this before. But hey, why not?

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This summer, I've found myself having adventures with friends and family and becoming sunburned along the way.
Recently, I went out of town with my family for Memorial Day. We became distracted and discovered Indian hieroglyphs nestled among smooth rocky structures. 

This is one of my favorite pictures from the hieroglyphs site. There were several more paintings there that were amazing to see.

Not only have I been seeing ancient history, but I've seen history in the making. I was able to watch a solar eclipse on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

This was the solar eclipse at it's maximum point. If I had been further south, I would have seen a complete ring of fire.
 The solar eclipse caused crazy shadows! I mean just look at my hand in this picture! I can assure you, I have five fingers, not three! 
During the solar eclipse, the temperature and light changed. It was cooler  and the temperature was the same in shade and also in the sunshine. It was a bizarre feeling. 
 Some wonderful friends and I went on a Saturday hike to see an amazing waterfall. We were all sweaty and tired but once we got close to the falls, it became extremely chilly.

Near my home, there is a canyon with a hike that is more like a nature walk. It only takes about fifteen minutes to get there and it is worth it. You are surrounded by towering rocks with a waterfall right in the middle of it all. Below the waterfall is a pool of water.

Besides going on adventures, I have also been job hunting and I even have a job interview this week! I'm very excited to have a job and also have time for mini adventures.
Happy summer!