It's one of those days when your morning starts out pretty awesome. Homemade French Toast for breakfast, some Harry Potter reading, and enjoying a warm summer day.
But it's Wednesday, the middle of the week and therefore, not the beginning of the week. I had a job interview and they were supposed to let me know about their decision at the beginning of this week. Now we're approaching the end!
I have a feeling I'm not getting the job, but the week isn't over yet.
And if I'm not getting the job, couldn't they at least call me and let me know and put an end to my angst???
That's okay, I'll be glued to the phone tomorrow, no big deal.
And to top it all off, my immune system has decided to play a trick on me. Maybe I'm not really sick though. Maybe I'm just stressed out about this whole job hunting thing that it's making me physically sick.
On the bright side, tomorrow I'll be doing water aerobics with friends. I've never done this before. But hey, why not?