Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Please excuse my food

I seem to be writing about food a lot lately but I'm just having fun with food. I'm even planning out meals for future days! I think it's because I'm tired of microwavable food....
But no matter the reason, I must share my dinner success.
You know that moment when you make something edible, you look over at it and think, "Dang! That looks good! Look at me now!" Yeah, I had one of those moments.
A half hour ago, I realized I had chicken in the freezer. And then I realized I had strawberries and spinach in the fridge. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was cooking lemon pepper seasoned chicken and slicing strawberries on the side. 
And I looked at it and saw how green the spinach was compared to the bright red strawberries and cooked to perfection chicken. 
Maybe a light vinaigrette would have been better with this type of salad but I love creamy poppy seed dressing from Kraft. It's my favorite salad dressing and it actually went well with my salad.
So there you go, another food post.
Unfortunately, when it comes to delicious food choices, there is usually a mountain of dishes waiting for me. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear Pottermore,

Define "opening in early April" because today is April 10 and Pottermore is still in beta.

And you see, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter and I really need to see the stories J.K. Rowling has added to the website.

And be "sorted" into a Hogwarts House.

And play the games.

I first heard about Pottermore last October (when you first said it would be open to the public) but alas, here we are, six months after October.

But that's okay, I can wait a tad bit longer...but really, I want to access the Pottermore website.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stressed out cookie eater

In my closet there is (was) a package of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. 
I purchased these cookies a week ago and have been trying to savor them.
Until now.
You see, the end of spring semester is quickly approaching (and by quickly, I mean oh crap, the end of the semester is right there!) and my professors find it funny to pile on the homework and papers and quizzes and tests before finals week. 
And I felt as if I should treat myself to some cookie eatin' goodness for all my hard work today.
But...you know, just two pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were not enough.
In my closest there is (and still is...just not as many) a package of Oreo cookies. 
Why bother getting a plate and selecting just a few Oreo's to eat? Why not eat straight out of the package with a big glass of milk by my side? 
Mmm...pure goodness.
And did you know your roommates give you weird looks while you are stuffing your face on the couch while watching TV? 
I bet they were just jealous I had milk's favorite cookie and they didn't.