Annotated bibliography.
Did you shutter? I know I flinched just thinking about those two words.
Annotated bibliographies are the longest, most boring things you could possibly write (okay, maybe not the longest or most boring...I'm sure there are worse things). After only an hour of working on this particular project, I had a headache and began to wonder why people even write scholarly articles in the first place!
Yesterday, I began this project at about 12:30pm. After a few breaks, I finished it at 11:40pm.
Phew! I took a big sigh of relief. I actually finished that thing the night before it was due.
I decided to check my email and English professor had cancelled class. Our annotated bibliographies are not due until next week.
One the one hand, I'm glad it's not due today after all because now I can go back through it and fix any mistakes I made. Plus, I don't have to worry about that monster anymore. But I spent ALL day doing that. If I had known...well I probably would have procrastinated more.
Now in hindsight, I realize I could have had this finished at a leisurely pace. It was first assigned last Wednesday (a whole seven days ago). If I had just read one scholarly article a day and did it's summary and MLA citation, I could have had the whole thing done before it was due. I wouldn't have had to spend my entire day doing homework.
I would like to say lesson learned. I won't procrastinate anymore.
But I'll be honest. I'll probably do it again in the future.
All I know is I'll have to try harder to not procrastinate and figure out a way to do homework without stressing myself out.
Lesson learned.