Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lesson learned?

Annotated bibliography.
Did you shutter? I know I flinched just thinking about those two words.
Annotated bibliographies are the longest, most boring things you could possibly write (okay, maybe not the longest or most boring...I'm sure there are worse things). After only an hour of working on this particular project, I had a headache and began to wonder why people even write scholarly articles in the first place!
Yesterday, I began this project at about 12:30pm. After a few breaks, I finished it at 11:40pm. 
Phew! I took a big sigh of relief. I actually finished that thing the night before it was due.
I decided to check my email and English professor had cancelled class. Our annotated bibliographies are not due until next week.
One the one hand, I'm glad it's not due today after all because now I can go back through it and fix any mistakes I made. Plus, I don't have to worry about that monster anymore. But I spent ALL day doing that. If I had known...well I probably would have procrastinated more.
Now in hindsight, I realize I could have had this finished at a leisurely pace. It was first assigned last Wednesday (a whole seven days ago). If I had just read one scholarly article a day and did it's summary and MLA citation, I could have had the whole thing done before it was due. I wouldn't have had to spend my entire day doing homework.
I would like to say lesson learned. I won't procrastinate anymore. 
But I'll be honest. I'll probably do it again in the future. 
 All I know is I'll have to try harder to not procrastinate and figure out a way to do homework without stressing myself out.
Lesson learned.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take my own advice

I have told people to take a deep breath and relax when they are stressed out. But when I become stressed, I hold it in and keep going until I make myself literally sick and I feel as if I'm going to explode.

I'm at that point today where I'm making myself physically sick. Why eat lunch when your stomach is rolling around inside?

So I'm taking my own advice. I am going to sit on a couch in front of my next class and do nothing.

First, I'm going to need something bubbly...and caffeinated like a Coke. However, campus does not believe in selling Coke products. A Dr. Pepper will work just fine. It's bubbly, caffeinated, and tastes fairly decent.

Let relaxation begin!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

University Scavenger Hunt!

 Usually, I am not a fan of scavenger hunts. However, with my friends, it was a blast! With a camera in tow, we found a tree...

We also had to find the statue seen to the right. We really only needed one picture but there were four of us! Things like this need to be documented!

At this point, we realized we didn't have a picture of all four of us together. After we came to this realization, we quickly decided to fix the problem.
 The picture to the right wasn't part of our scavenger hunt. We were waiting for the shuttle to come (which was part of our scavenger hunt) and I happened to see this fantastic picture. Kind of an oxymoron, don't you think?
 One of the pictures we had to capture was someone getting onto the shuttle (that happens to be me turning around).

 On campus, there is an old brick building randomly set in the middle of modernized buildings. It is one of my favorite things on campus...which is why I'm in the picture.
 And more signs...
And more signs...

In our library, there is this amazing glass structure hanging from the ceiling. I think it is incredible.

I wish all my classes were as fun as my Elementary Education class. How many classes are there where an assignment is to leave class and take pictures with friends? Yeah, it's that awesome.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Scary Movies

This weekend, I saw The Woman in Black (Daniel Radcliffe is the star of this movie...AKA Harry Potter) and it terrified me. 
In fact, I'm not sure how much of the movie I actually watched. 
Also, might I add this is the first scary movie I've seen in movie theaters? 

So basically, this movie is about this lawyer, Mr. Kibbs (Daniel Radcliffe) who has to sell a dead woman's house. If he doesn't, he'll lose his job for being overly depressed about his wife's death.
But of course, this town is not a normal town. All the children are kinda freaky and everyone is telling Mr. Kibbs he should not go to this house. Instead, he should go back home to his son.
But does he listen?
Of course not.
At this freaky house (which is on an island and the road gets washed out due to high tide), he hears crazy things and then sees a woman in black out in the cemetery (oh did I mention there is a cemetery in the front yard?).
Mr. Kibbs gets back to town and a little girl dies. He gets blamed for it because he went to the house.
But of course, he goes back to the house and stays the night there where he sees the woman in black (and I was so scared I thought I was going to pee my pants). He also sees a little boy, which is her son, rise out of the mud by the road where he died and start walking to the house. Freaky, right? 
And then the front door starts making freaky noises, like someone is trying to open it. So of course, he opens the door, no one there, but then there are muddy little footprints in the house.

After his horrific night, another child dies. Turns out, the woman in black makes children kill themselves whenever someone sees her on her property.

Now, I can't tell you anything else because I would ruin the movie for you.
Just know, it's scary and it made me jump.
But it was still fun to see.